Our vision
We believe that the best way to support these communities and alleviate poverty is to invest in the formal and informal education of the young people in partnership with their community. All people, and especially infants and children, should have adequate living conditions (spiritual, material, health and social) and should have the opportunity to fully exercise their rights.
Our mission
Through educational and social assistance programs, we promote better living conditions and create more opportunities for advancement for people, particularly in young people, living in poor or marginal conditions. To augment the existing system, we provide integrated educational assistance to pre-school children and children of school age, and run other projects that benefit their families, their community and the environment in which they live.
Our objectives
The children we work with suffer from a lack of attention and of positive role models, they are often required to work, and many are left to fend for themselves or are expected to care for younger siblings while their parents are working.
Therefore, the primary goals of all of our projects are to give them ATTENTION, AFFECTION and PROTECTION.
We do believe that simple and small actions can change the behaviour and mentality of the children we are working with. We don’t want them to change their whole life, but mainly receive the attention, affection and protection they don’t often have at home. This way, we make sure to:
- Provide a safe environment for at least a part of the day
- Remove some of the burden of responsibility and allow kids to be kids
- Teach and demonstrate values that are at the core of a healthy society
- Teach children hygiene habits such as washing their hands and brushing their teeth
- Support them and strengthen their formal education in order to improve their prospects

See our projects page for more informations.