Hogar Esperanza is the name given to the place where we regularly visit on different projects. The latter thus includes the Casa de Los Niños and the alternative school. The greatest challenge of this structure is to build and strengthen relationships between local families, respecting their culture and history, in order to guarantee peace and a better future for all members of this community which has 100 families, including 552 people.
Every morning, during school hours, volunteers help teachers in the different classes to facilitate the smooth running of classes in an alternative school for the community.
During this time slot, the volunteer will oversee taking care of part of the class following the teacher’s instructions. As an alternative school, we work in small groups and implement play and educational work sessions for children.
In addition, other volunteers are responsible for helping with various activities such as hydrotherapy, physiotherapy or ergotherapy.

Our volunteers also go on site outside school hours to allow children to benefit from a time slot where they can discover, learn and share in an appropriate environment.
For example, the «sports and values» workshop aims to introduce various sports activities known to registered children. These include badminton, rugby-touch, ultimate, basketball, volleyball and many others. Beyond sports, we want to strengthen their self-esteem, while teaching the values of commitment, responsibility, respect, discipline and teamwork.